It's Ok If

In the spirit of April’s theme of “Allowing It All”, I wanted to share some thoughts on feelings that many of us may be experiencing right now.

It’s OK if you don’t like virtual meetings and working from home away from your office and coworkers. 

It’s OK if you are thriving with virtual communication and working from home. 

(And if you’re an essential worker through all this, however you feel is totally legit, and THANK YOU!). 

It’s OK if you’re feeling joy at having more time with your family or partner or pet. 

It’s OK if you’re feeling stifled or unsettled or simply not feeling as joyful as you’d hoped at all the extra time home with your family or partner or pet. 

It’s OK if you’re mastering a new language, a new hobby, or becoming your family’s own master chef. 

It’s OK if you’re relaxing on the couch, ordering takeout, and haven’t even had the energy or motivation to partake in your usual hobbies. 

It’s OK if you have a homeschooling schedule that’s color coded by subject and time slot. 

It’s OK if you don’t have anything remotely like this.

It’s OK if you feel antsy and restless and are looking forward to when the world is bustling again. 

It’s OK if you’re enjoying the simplicity of life right now (obviously minus the reason for it) and are feeling more like yourself than you do when life is at its usual pace. 

It’s OK if you’re getting in extra workouts and online yoga classes and taking long walks (6 feet apart from others) every day. 

It’s OK if you’re not (though I may be a little biased on the online yoga thing. :-) 

It’s OK if you’re attending zoom happy hours or gatherings every day because you need that social interaction. 

It’s OK if you are loving not having to have social plans. 

It’s OK if you feel more connected. 

It’s OK if you feel less connected. 

It’s OK if you are feeling a combination of all of these. 

It’s OK if you’re feeling something completely different than any of these. 

It’s Ok if you don’t feel Ok right now.

It’s OK if you do.

It’s OK to share that you’re not OK. 

It’s OK to share that you are. 

There is no right way to feel right now. We are all coming at this from our own unique set of circumstances, our own personalities, our own worries and fears and hopes and dreams. Your experience and feelings are your own, and they are all OK.